Thursday, March 02, 2006

Say cheese.......pleeease

Maddisyn and Ethan had their daycare photographs scheduled for today. AJ and I were so excited since it was Ethans first 'school' photos. AJ got his out fit all ready and I went and bought a cute outfit that I had seen in the mall for Maddy the other day.

And so this morning i was up super early showering and doing pony tails and stuff. It was a bit of a rush through morning traffic since Ethans class was scheduled to start photos at 8am, and it took a bit of organisation to get all the kids to school at an appropriate time and make it to the daycare but it went real well. And that was the only part of the day that went right concerning the two babies.

Upon arrival Maddy pranced around showing everyone her pretty dress and chattering away. I immediately handed Ethan to his teacher next door and went to hide in Maddys classroom while they settled him down (hes back to the crying when I drop him off so they had to settle him first). I peeked over the partition seperating the classroom and saw that he had a grumpy look on his face, so calling Maddy over, I hoisted her up and encouraged her to call her brother and make him smile while trying to keep myself out of his sight. It worked perfectly and he has a big grin on his face in the class photo.

As I put Maddy back down, she started having a disagreement with another little girl over some paint and in the struggle, ended up with paint all over her new outfit!! She was gutted and wanted out of her clothes immediately. So it was into her change of playclothes that we had brought along for her to change into AFTER the photos. And that is what she ended up having her photos done in sigh.

They tried to take a family photo of Ethan and Maddy but unfortunately Ethan was in a grump and refused to settle and cried and fought so in the end, no family OR individual photo for him. Since it wasnt his day at daycare, I packed up my little monster and bought him home to sleep.

His dad is going to be disappointed but hey, he knows better than anyone else how impossible it is to make a 18month old do something like that if they dont want to!!