Friday, December 15, 2006

And so xmas gets closer.....

Shopping. Usually I really enjoy it, in fact Andrew thinks im addicted to it (his 1st question when he gets home is usually 'what have you bought today?).
I absolutely HATE shopping at this time of the year. People people everywhere. Waiting in long lines and standing around trying to get help from shop assistants is a nightmare hey.
Hence the scene last night at the mall. God it was a nightmare and five hours later we had got some of what we wanted but still have to spend the next week popping in and out here and there to finish it all off. Probably be better if we were a bit more organised I guess.
Xmas day is set to be bloody wonderful weather here. I hope that NZ fares just as well. No major plans, just everyone meeting at our house (they say its because ours is the only place big enough for all but really) and a big late lunch and festivities.
Very tiring but bloody wonderful i bet

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nieces and Nephews

Heres a couple of pics of my gorgeous nieces and nephews. Patience, Destiny, Trinity, Tregan, Jasper and Ruby. Kiss Kiss to you all

Kylas dog judge

After much bitching and moaning, Kyla finally got to get herself a dog. His name is Judge and he is now nearly 3 months old. Unfortunately he was a naughty little blighter so to counter act it, Andrew went out and got a one year old female dog called Roxy to teach him. Must say that it seems to have worked so far

A few pics