Sunday, November 25, 2007

Our little mermaid

On Friday, Maddisyn and her class did the play for their weekly assembly and my daughter was the mermaid. She looked so cute so wanted to share this photo with you. The play went well too.
ps. she lost another tooth the other day, right below the last one that fell out. Can you see where?


Heres a vid of the kids at funstation that i took on Thursday. Its a bit dark as i still havent figured out everything on the camera yet but it gave Karleen, Liane and I a giggle at our litlle headbangers. Also a couple of photos too

Friday, November 16, 2007

Found this.....

Going through some old photos and found this. Sooo not digging the full facial hair but its a bit of a laugh, I think anyway :)


Photos of my sons. But whos who??

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

School Photos

Finally the kids school photos have come back YAY! Talk about a muck around. They were taken last term, we were supposed to get them the beginning of this term BUT the photographer that had taken the class photos had been using a faulty camera so they had to reshoot them in the 1st week of term. And they wouldnt even hand over the individual ones 1st. Useless.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Now that we have another one......

Well we have finally gotten around to getting another camera and tho its nearly 1am here, i wanted to get a few of the ones that i managed to get, posted while i have the energy and the time. Sorry nothing of Liam this time round, hes a bit sick. And Andrew looks pretty chirpy in these but a few hours later, hes got a high temp and his heads down the toilet!! so hes a bit sick too :)
Better photos to follow once i get the hang of this new camera.
Love to all xxx