Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Photos

Heres some photos of us during the xmas break. A couple are from when we went to Adventure world (again) and the rest are from xmas day. A couple of the photos look pretty buggered. Andrew took them and had the exposure on the camera stuffed up.But its better than nothing :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


From South Africa to NZ and everyone in between, the Lazarus-Barron family would like to wish you all a very merry merry xmas and a wonderfully happy new year. Extra special year for Billy, Willoughby,Kory, Logan and Kasey as the new additions to our lives celebrate their first xmas with their family xxxx

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Aunts Perogative

Just came from Jojos house and managed to get some photos of the new baby (still no name) and told her I was posting some photos of her son so here you go :)


Gosh yesterday was one BIG surprise for my pregnant sister.
Joanne started having pains yesterday (she was due today)and tho they were irregular they were painful. Anyway she spent the day doing her usual things and just handled what was happening untill late afternoon when they decided to go to the hospital. From what Im told, her contractions were 7 minutes apart. Anyway, she got examined and stayed there for about an hour. And then got sent home. The baby was still pretty high but her contractions were a bit closer together but the midwife still sent her home, saying that it was nothing, that she was having braxton hicks. So Jojo went home and had dinner at my brothers and then set her daughters and son up at Davys, then her and Daniel went home for a rest. To cut a long story short Joanne ended up giving birth to her son 20minutes later in her ensuite!! By the time anyone got to her the baby was out and Daniel had to call the ambulance and Karleen arrived to help with the afterbirth. I arrived not long after as the ambos were cutting the cord and got to see my tiny nephew (6pds2oz) before they were whisked off to hospital, mum and dad in total shock but elated that he was finally here! There was a minor problem with his temperature, but today they are safe and sound at home.
Welcome my darling nephew and well done my baby sister xxxx I would post a pic but I think Ill leave that privelage to his parents :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Child At High School

Today was Kaytlynns graduation from primary school to high school. She was presented her certificates today and attended their ball tonight. She was so excited all weekend and had a wonderful time tonight. Another child at high school. They are all getting so big. Ethan attended his introductory day at school/kindy last week as well. Although he was excited as we walked to school, when we went to enter the class, he got all shy and clung to me whispering 'Im scared mum' then after he was more confident, had a ball. Im going to be suffering empty nest syndrome next year :) Also sending out lots of love love love to my BFF in NZ Shanley and her husband Jon and lots of congrats on the arrival of their first baby, Logan. mwah mwah mwah xxxx

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Puppy Update.... again :)

Well the pups are growing really well and and are eating real food and are running around and playing and being little terrors. And we love them and care for them and are totally attached to them and are fast tracking our way to broken hearts as one by one they start to leave. If there was any way at all that we could keep the lot of them we would, even if they grow to be the size of horses like their dad.

My nephews 2nd Birthday

Today Ethan and I went with Stacey to funstation to celebrate his birthday. It was only us and Patience but he had a good time so thats all that mattered. Big party with all the family is this weekend at Woodmans Point so more photos then and only a couple today for his actual birthday.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Photos, Photos

And more photos. Unfortunately this is all I have to offer you right now :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More randoms

Coz theres not really much happening at the mo in any of our lives heres a couple of random shots

Monday, October 20, 2008

Puppy Progress Update

Well the pups are nearly 2wks old now and they are growing so fast that soon they will be gone. My mate still has the runt and while he is healthy and going real well he is still alot smaller than his siblings. And while we started out with 11 babies, we are now down to 10. We went out late last week and when we got home and did a head count, we were misiing a pup. After a frantic search around the back yard and inside the house we could not for the life of us find the poor little girl. We even checked to see if Thorne had buried her somwhere. So we have come to the conclusion that shes either been killed and eaten by one of her parents or she just disappeared into thin air :(
The first pup opened her eyes today and the others arent too far off either. So cute.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

A couple of pics

Just a couple of pics of the new additions to our family. Thorne is actually a pure white dog but had been preparing a nesting place for herself under my car on the same day and had got a bit of grease all over her lol. We ended up giving the runt of the litter to a friend of mine as with Andrew and I working it was impossible to give him the 24/7 care he needed right now. Will post a photo of him when I get him back in a couple of weeks poor thing

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My big mouth

I was sitting on the computer mucking aroung when I heard this mewing noise, like little kittys. Jumping up, I ran outside calling for Thorne, who wouldnt come. Couldnt find her outside so ran to the kids end of the house and flung Kaytlynns door open. The 1st thing I saw was 2 little puppies poking out from the end of her bed. I upended the bed and there was Thorne, looking up at me pitifully as she pushed out another one. It looked dead to me so rang my mate next door and she come over and stimulated it to get it going properly and helped deliver the next 8 pups. Yep 7 girls and 4 boys. Unfortunately Thorne rejected the runt who was born last and we are stuck having to care for him sigh.

Poor baby

The Dunns in Brisbane

A couple of pics of my sister and her family xxxxx

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Glutton for Punishment

Meet our dogs. The top one is Thorne and at the bottom is Dodge. We have had Thorne since 6 weeks and Dodge is Andrews birthday present. Great dogs but a bit of a handful, especially Dodge who doesnt like to listen and digs ginormous holes. Well to add to all that I allowed Thorne to get pregnant this one time before I get her neutered. Had heard it was preferable to do it that way so the bitch experienced motherhood before that option wasnt available to her. Now she is nearing the end of her pregnancy and reality is finally hitting me that soon we could have up to 12 pups amongst us. What the hell was I thinking!!!