Gosh yesterday was one BIG surprise for my pregnant sister.
Joanne started having pains yesterday (she was due today)and tho they were irregular they were painful. Anyway she spent the day doing her usual things and just handled what was happening untill late afternoon when they decided to go to the hospital. From what Im told, her contractions were 7 minutes apart. Anyway, she got examined and stayed there for about an hour. And then got sent home. The baby was still pretty high but her contractions were a bit closer together but the midwife still sent her home, saying that it was nothing, that she was having braxton hicks. So Jojo went home and had dinner at my brothers and then set her daughters and son up at Davys, then her and Daniel went home for a rest. To cut a long story short Joanne ended up giving birth to her son 20minutes later in her ensuite!! By the time anyone got to her the baby was out and Daniel had to call the ambulance and Karleen arrived to help with the afterbirth. I arrived not long after as the ambos were cutting the cord and got to see my tiny nephew (6pds2oz) before they were whisked off to hospital, mum and dad in total shock but elated that he was finally here! There was a minor problem with his temperature, but today they are safe and sound at home.
Welcome my darling nephew and well done my baby sister xxxx I would post a pic but I think Ill leave that privelage to his parents :)