Friday, November 25, 2005

A typical day

Well 2day was pretty busy for me. Katy, Maddy & LJ decided 2 stay home with dad on his day off so he had company. I went 2 south brisbane 2 take my sister & 3 of her 4 kids to the docs. She has 4 children 5 & under so they keep her pretty busy considering 3 of them are under 3. Even tho I have 5, it amazed me how she copes as a fulltime mum. As Ive said b4, my kids are well spaced out in age so Ive got it pretty ez, at least I think after actually spending a full day in her shoes. I was so jumpy with them, it was out of it coz I felt so out of my depth around them. It totally proves the theory that theres nothing like knowing your own kids. From there it was off shopping with the whanau. My children were pretty well behaved today that it actually ended up being a pleasant trip this time round. Unfortunately their routine went totally out of wack as we had a few visitors for the nite. AJ is now out for a few hours. Poor thing has been stuck with the kids for most of the week so figured he needed sum time for himself!! LJ a bit sick. Hope hes only got the 24hr bug that seems to be going round. Ehtan set to have a good nite after his very restless nite last nite. He had 2 teeth coming out at once which seemed to give him alot of grief. Very strange for us as all our children never really had any trouble with their teething. In fact we never knew they were coming till they were here!!!

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