Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My sons

The last couple of days has seen me reflect on my gorgeous sons. One of the downsides of having so many children is the inevitable loss of time you have 2 try & give out evenly 2 all the kids individually. Alas I am terrible at that, Im more the "treat them as a unit" sort of person, untill something happens 2 remind me that 1 of them wants my undivided attention. Sad I no, but there is just not enuff hours in the day. I have 2 admit that most of my energy is focused on the girls at the moment, while AJ has taken charge of his sons.
But yesterday LJ came 2 me & gave me the biggest cuddle & kiss & held my hand as we walked around the mall. Now my son hardly ever does those sorts of things with me, especially in public. Sez hes 2 old, tho he cuddles his dad all the time. So 2 me thats a sign that he wants me 2 himself so we wandered off by ourselves. Liam is more a daddys boy, worships his dad & loves him 2 bits. They have had that connection from the day he was born. I find it frustrating sometimes but the love that these 2 share is very special & it warms me 2 c it. But it is also a boost when Liam shows that he needs mum sometimes 2. Hes also the family inventor, always on the lookout for things that he can turn in2 something else.
Ethan is growing in2 his own little terror. Liam was more the placid baby/toddler, more into doing things inside than outside. Ethan is just everywhere!! Just follow the trail of destruction & ull find him at the end of it. Hes more robust & luvs taking apart things, & if they dont come apart ez, he tries 2 smash them open. Sorta reminds me of the hulk. Always grubby as he also likes 2 dig in the dirt whenever possible or potter around in dads garage with him & 'explore'. Its almost impossible 2 keep him clean, & thats just at home. But then, at night just before he drifts off 2 sleep & hes clean & tired from his days escapades hes my little angel ready 2 rest up for all that he has 2 do the next day......
Nothing prepares a person for the intense rush that u feel when u become a parent. We are lucky enuff 2 have felt that 5 times.


Shanley said...

**WHEW** that sounds like hard work, but well worth it i'm sure. Sounds like your little one is going to be an engineer!

the kanga barrons said...

i thort a demolition derby driver would be good!

The Doylies said...

Sounds just like AJ when he was a kid!He would take stuff apart and then leave it.I know what u mean about daddies boys-Jasper adores his dad so much,even at this age!!