Saturday, February 04, 2006


BoomBoom as he walks cross the room.

BoomBoom as he plays crash derby with his cars and trucks.

BoomBoom as he fights with his siblings.


Ethan has a new nickname, chosen himself and very very apropriate we think. As Ive mentioned before our littlest is a very robust and energetic child. You always know when hes aproaching as nine times out of ten you can hear him before you see him.

At first I started calling him BoomBoom as a testament to his personality, but it was infrequent and just a offhand comment. But he liked it so much that he wouldnt respond unless I called him by that name. Now he only responds to Ethan when he knows hes in trouble and says 'BoomBoom bottbott' when he wants a bottle.

He also has another saying that is very popular with his mum. 'La you'(love you) which he always says to us when we tell him that we love him. He sounds so cute and we are so very proud how fast his vocab is developing.

I found this photo of him as I was reorganising our digital library. He is 3 and a half months here and it is one of my favorites.

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