Monday, May 22, 2006

Winter pains

ok im not a hundred percent, but damn it feels like winter is here. Im not too good at seasons and all but with the plummeting temperatures and the athritic pains that im starting to get in my ankles, i guess that its just about here.

Not much has happened lately other than the basic grind of life. We had my sister and her family stay the weekend to say goodbye to Hopa before he leaves for Perth tomorrow. It was a bit noisy but I guess you get that with a houseful of 5 adults and 10 kids.

There was a bit of an incident on Saturday though. Maddy and Hopas son Tregan were out on the little deck outside Maddys room playing. From what we could gather, they were teasing Ethan, who slammed the deck door closed. On Tregans finger. It sliced off the top of his finger and left it hanging there by a bit of skin and nail. We couldnt really figure out how it managed to slice the finger coz its not like there were any sharp edges but sliced it was. Yuck

Fortunately there was no need for surgery, just a few stitches and he was home again a few hours later.

Andrews birthday tomorrow, the big 33. How time is flying. Seems just like yesterday that we were starting our life together and now 12 years and 5 kids later.....

Brrr gonna go and snuggle up to the birthday boy. Flipping cold.

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