Thursday, November 16, 2006

Starting Life and Moving on

Well Liane, Dave and kiddies have finally moved onto the next phase in their new life. They have finally secured them a house! After a lot of dramas (note to everyone, most real estate agents are useless here where we live!) they have scored them a nice 3 bedroom place in Warnbro. GOOD ON YOU GUYS!
It will be a bit lonely without them, I have loved having a baby in the house and I was getting a real good bond with both Ruby and Jas, but they will be just down the road and we will see them regularly so thats better than nothing hey : )So tomorrow they get to start life on their own in their own house.
And tomorrow night us girlies (myself, Liane and my other sis-in-law Karleen) will be able to get out WITHOUT husbands and kiddies yeeha. Needless to say the three of us are soo ready for some 'me' time.
In other exciting news, I wanna welcome a neew nephew into our family. Staci Wiremu Hatu Reweiti was born on Saturday, in Auckland. His parents and sisters are very happy and excited at the arrival of their son/brother. Cant wait to meet him.
kiss kiss


the collective said...

Rose, Can you call Gerard and Jess on 0064 06 8856 8286? Nana Walker has passed away. Ta, Jess

Shanley said...

oh no, Nana Walker - thats sad.

Ps, you girls arn't supposed to go out without me damm it!