Sunday, January 21, 2007

A lovely moment...

between father and daughter.
Friday was 'back to school' haircut day for the girls. While Kyla and Kaytlynn just had a trim, Maddy went a bit more drastic and got a bit of length taken off at the back and got herself a fringe. Amazing what a haircut does as I think it makes her look older.
In other news, Ethan has gone mad on Pirates of the Carribean. In the morning Im awoken with a dvd thrust in my face and my son demanding 'Mummy I watch Pirates' and he must watch it 2 or 3 times a day. And his dad has replaced copies twice already due to scratches from Ethan. Im hoping he gets out of this phase soon as its annoying pretending to be a pirate at his will. Hes also gotten into Superman as well. Boys

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