Saturday, March 24, 2007


My sister sent me these photos of her kids and seeing them made me smile. One thing that I adore about technology is the ease that it enables you to keep in touch with family that are too far away to see regularly. With mine and chrissies lives so busy with our respective families, it is ezy to keep in touch at minimal cost and effort but still have a healthy relationship with each other. Most of the time anyway hehe

This is Shakira on the left, 2 1/2years old, and my godchild Amber Jade, 18mths.

Sharon, 6 1/2 years old and her cousin Louis, 18 in may.

Cassidy and Sharon having a bubble bath by the looks of it!

Cassidy, 3 1/2 yrs and the only boy

Chrissy, 32 yrs.

We stayed with these guys for a while before we headed out to Perth. I saw how hard it was for chrissie at times to handle her 4 kids as they are so close in age but she does it so well. The hardcase thing is that apart from Cassidy, who was born in October, all the kids were born in September, like their Dad! I think that is a hell of a coincidence. And Sharon and amber are so tall. Sharon is only 6, but she is in size 10 clothes and towers over Maddisyn and Destiny, who are only 6mths younger than her. Amber sounds like she is going to be the same way. Poor Cassidy has it hard being the only boy but seems to handle it well in his own way. Where her sisters are fair, Shakira is dark and her hair curly, sorta like her personality in some respects, thats if I read it right when my sis is telling me about their shenanigans.

KISS KISS to you all

1 comment:

The Doylies said...

Hey!So thats what chrissies look like!Cute...