Monday, August 06, 2007


With the tax man hitting us in the pockets, I have decided to get out there and help my lovely man pay the bills. So at the moment its writing resumes and finding somewhere to send them off and hopefully be employed soon enough. The only worry is being able to find daycare for my son as the ones that I have contacted so far have enormous waiting lists. But my mum arrived on Saturday so hopefully she will be able to help out. And then theres the hours that I will be available to work as I still need to be there for the other kids before and after school. I wouldnt mind doing night work but Andrew is not so keen as he doesnt like the idea of us never seeing each other. But like they say, where theres a will theres a way :)
Another mission at the moment is the clash of personalities that is going on in the household. Whoever said that having so many kids wasnt so bad was crazy. Ooops hang on a minute, that crazy was me lol. Kyla and I are constantly fighting. Its like I try to assert some authority and she just doesnt want to know. As long as I am saying yes to her its all good but as soon as I say no, its like a bomb going off. For a child her age and compared to the upbringing that I had, the freedom that she has to do things and stuff is enormous and I think that she should consider herself very lucky. But Im starting to learn that the more you give a 13 year old, the more they want and be prepared for the fallout if you dont confer to their so called needs. So at the moment she is grounded, even unable to attend her youth group, untill she appreciates the things that shes allowed to do and starts to show me a bit more respect. Is that bad?. Feels like it is sometimes.
My darling sweet soft spoken and quiet Kaytlynn is gone. She has become argumentative and loudly outspoken and loves to provoke her sisters and brothers. But she still has that sweetness about her that difuses any growling that her dad tries to bestow on her and once again I am the bad guy as I enforce the fact that she cant do that to them. So Im the one that sees her tears and sees her back as she storms off to her room sigh.
Liam hasnt changed much and is still the quiet older son who loves his playstation. He has also started helping with the dishes and I must say that he sometimes does a better job than his sisters.
As for Maddisyn-Rose, well where do I start. She doesnt like sleeping in her bed, doing anything to help even a little around the house, and her favorite sentence is 'I hate you mum!' She defys her dad every chance she gets and if she doesnt want to do it, she will cry loud and for as long as you can handle grrr. Unfortunately she is very very spoilt. We are still trying to figure out how to deal with this very very strong personality that our youngest daughter posesses.
Well we all know what Ethan is up to these days as he is the main one that I seem to write about these days.
Even with all these different personalities happening at the moment, Andrew and I are very proud with our lovely tribe of children and enjoy trying to giude them through these early years of theirs. It all passes so fast.
BUT any suggestions from all family, friends and godparents are greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

grounded, good on ya - kids need boundries apparently so stick at it. I think either way strict or not you loose, you just have to do what you think is right and hold your breath they turn out okay. Remember all the times we spent roaming the streets by jumping out our windows. We both had pretty different upbringings and we both got in loads of shit. Andrew should be backing you up too, you shouldn't have to be the bad guy all the time. Lets face it, teenages suck - especially girls with all those hormones running around and they need to start practicing their manipulation skills at home for when they grow up and run their own household ;-)
Kaytlynn - sneaky little monkey, she's not stupid and you definaetly cant get away with that, Kyla and Kaylynn always seemt to be in competition with each other, perhaps they should do a sport together or opposite each other to take out in a positive way - good luck with that :-D. No diffusing allowed as it just encourages it I reckon. Maddie, get some head phones, turn the music up and ignore her until the tanties subside - hey put her on the naughty mat!! Sounds like you need super nanny!!!

Anway that is enough ignorant advice from me, the one with not kids who has no idea what shes talking about, he he he. Still I enjoyed the ramble.!! Nice to have you back on-line, bugger about the tax man. As for the JOB, well you do have a sister in law over there, perhaps she would like to earn some extra dough babysitting (could be an option)?

The Doylies said...

If your talking about me then sorry,but i'm trying to get back into a career too...sorry!
Rosie,i think you and andrew need to really take the time and have a long weekend at a hotel or something...mind you,that was before the tax thing so scrap that!!.
About the kids:Kyla is a good kid but doed need alot of time and alot of boundarys but i think she has her head screwed on far better than any of us did!.Katy is growing up suddenly and is asserting her place as a middle child in a large family of strong personalitys,she has to be loud to be heard!.Maddy sounds alot like ruby(it must be an aries thing!)..roo is one for crying untill she gets what she wants and as a result we relent because we are stressed by that Whining+CRYING and like me,you have to walk away and take deep breathes!.Unfortunately we have to be alot more mean mummy to these strong personalitys-types!
Liam is just my little sweetie!,he is the placid one in your whanau but then,so was katy once!
Ethan needs daycare!,is jaspers daycare full??
Well,you did ask for our thoughts!

Flightless_Kiwis said...

oh rose you know the answer, a quick swift boot up the ass and sent to their rooms until they are ready to apologise and while they are having their lil tanty's remember thats what the ipod is for hahaha