Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yesterday was liane and daves wedding anniversary and i babysat for them while they went to the movies to see harry potter. It was the first time that id babysat billy for longer than an hour but i had it all sussed, i was prepared.... things were great wen they left. all the kids were in a good mood and i had brought ethan and kyla along so we were all set. untill billy got tired. but still i was arrogant and thought 'not a problem!!! so i changed his nappy and fed him his bottle and he was drifting off to sleep when i put him in his cot. jasper had fallen asleep on the couch and the kids were watching tv so i thort the rest of the night would be cruisy. THEN billy woke up. he wanted something. aunty didnt know what. i was so prepared that i forgot to ask liane any details on what he would need to go to sleep. so i plucked him out of bed and tried to give him another bottle. nope he just kept spitting that out. checked his nappy, gave him cuddles. nope that didnt work either. the poor little tyke just kept howling. and howling. so i rocked him and put on a brave face. but inside i was like 'OMG he hates me. wat do i do?' liane had sed to ring if there was any problems but i didnt want to ruin their night so i just kept rocking him. 20mins later ruby had had enough and wanted me as she was tired and missing her parents. i tried to pass billy to kyla so i could reassure ruby but she ran a mile. so as bad as i felt i put little billy back to bed. he cried for a while and finally fell asleep. i felt so bad. when all was quiet, ruby and i sneaked into his room and put the blankets on him properly and then sneaked out again. when dave and liane came back, i told them about my experience and liane said to me ' you should have given him his dummy.' and as she said that i remembered her telling me as they were leaving about the dummy AND i had moved it out of the way in his cot when i put him to bed duhhhhh. but now i no for next time :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well thanks to facebook, I find myself on there more than I am on here... how sad is that hey?????
Just a couple of random photos that Ive finally taken off my camera lol.Most of them are of kyla... coz its kyla that taken most of the photo. We are all doing well. I just celebrated my birthday and thanx to family and friends had a nice night last nite with their surprise birthday party.... was a surprise allright, had been thinking that I was going to the casino lmao. We also had ruby and jasper stay the nite, by themselves yay. mum and dad didnt no what to do with themselves.
The kids have been sick off and on. This pig flu has made us a bit more wary but other than that its been the basic colds and flu. Only kyla and maddy have been able to avoid it oh and andrew and I.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hopas Wedding.... 18/04/09

Hi everyone. Lots have been going on in the months since i have last been able to have the chance to post.... sorry but yes i am a slacker hehe. We are all doing well. Andrew put his back out last week for the first time ever but he is fully recovered tho a bit more aware about his age lol. It is Liams birthday in a couple of days he is very excited. I guess turning 11 is still a big buzz even in these times hey. All the kids are doing real well, enjoying school and their extra curricular activities. We are spinning out... all our kids are so grown up these days. It is lovely in the sence that now andrew and i have a bit more freedom to go out and spend alone time together. Definitely cant do it at home unless the brats are all asleep thats for sure!!! But it is a bit scary as well. soon they will all be leaving the roost... you notice it coming once more than one of your kids are older than ten.
As for me, Im still working hard and having to deal with all the day to day things. Im very lucky that andrew doesnt mind doin his share too.
Late last month my brother Hopa got married to Debra. It was a nice wedding and it gave me a chance to dress up for the first time in ages. Living in steel caps (for work) and jandals (the first things i put on after work... after being enclosed in work shoes for nine hours or so) and standard uniform, its not something i do often lmao. So i put on a dress and heels and dressed the kids up as well and off we went to willow ponds. Heres a couple of photos that I have on me.
Hope all you mums had an awesome day today.
LOVE 'the barrons' xxxxx

Monday, February 09, 2009

Waitangi Day..... In Australia

Maddisyn Getting out of the ball.

Ethan trying to keep up wtih the rolling ball.

Liam runnung at top speed

Destiny too. They all loved this ball thingy. But at $10 a pop they had better have enjoyed it!!

Do I really have to get in mum?

Liam showing enthusiasm for his pony ride.

Jasper too. Smile Boys!

At least Ruby is showing some smiles.

And Ethan loving it too.

On Saturday we all went to Mosman Park to celebrate Waitangi Day. Over here they have a big celebration and festival for us NZers, with NZ music and food and clothing and rides for the kids and just a lot of kiwis around us lol. My family all came and the Doyle clan joined us too. But we chose not to bring our tent thingy so we were all hot for the day and I ended up getting sunstroke. When we left home it was a bit windy and quite overcast. Drive an hour to our destination and the sky is clear and the sun is beating down.Hey I didnt forget the hats and sunscreens tho lol. The kids had an awesome time, for that we were grateful. Unfortunately mine and Andrews fun took a while to kick in. Within half an hour of arriving I lost our wallet. Wont go into the long distracting story but a few hours later it got returned with everything except my money in it. But at the end of the day, I was just grateful to get my medicare cards, my license and our mastercards back. After a long day, I fell asleep in the car on the way home and was comatose for the rest of the night and ended up being really sunburnt. And the crazy thing is, the kids were like little eveready batteries and kept going and going till late in the night.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Ethans First Day of School

Today was Ethans first day of school. He was sooo excited. When I took him for orientation at the end of last year, he was excited right up untill we got to the class and then he went all clingy. I thought that that would happen again today. No such luck. The teacher let us stay for about ten mins and even then Ethan was telling me to go. I was gutted and admit that I shed a tear sigh. My last child. Off to school. Whatever do I DO WITH MYSELF NOW :( picked him up after and he had had an awesome day

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Days

The last few days have been pretty busy. I had Tregan for a couple nights and then i had the nieces and nephews over during the day so i could take some photos. heres a couple of them............ YAY only another week and a bit till school starts again

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kyla Alexandra Hope, 15 Today

Kyla getting ready to cut her cakes. She wanted an ice cream cake as well as a mudcake. She spent the day out shopping with the birthday money we gave her and she came home with a fair bit of loot. It was hard for us to figure out what to get her as she had basically gotten everything she wanted for xmas.So money it was. Nice and simple for us thats for sure.

Numnum, which shall I have first?

Mum and Dad, still in shock that we are the parents of a 15 year old. How the hell did that happen? Kyla has been on and on about getting her belly button pierced and Andrew has been pretty staunch about it not being done so imagine our surprise when he told us that she can go and get it done on Friday. Wish hed told me before I handed all that cash over to her this morning :(

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More Photos

Today it was real hot but I had promised to take the kids to the movies and regretablly could not get out of it :( So we all got ready and I decided to snap a few shots as Im putting together photo albums for Aunty Shirl and their grandparents. Kyla, Kaytlynn and I went to Twilight while Andrew took the younger ones to Bolt, the new kids movie out. And I have to say, all the hype that Twilight has received was a waste. Not only did I havta put up with a predictable storyline, but I had to endure listening to lusting teens giggling and whispering stuff like 'Oh hes sooo hot' when the main vampire guy came onto the screen. Sorry Rob Pattison fans, hes just not all that and neither is the movie.