Thursday, February 05, 2009

Ethans First Day of School

Today was Ethans first day of school. He was sooo excited. When I took him for orientation at the end of last year, he was excited right up untill we got to the class and then he went all clingy. I thought that that would happen again today. No such luck. The teacher let us stay for about ten mins and even then Ethan was telling me to go. I was gutted and admit that I shed a tear sigh. My last child. Off to school. Whatever do I DO WITH MYSELF NOW :( picked him up after and he had had an awesome day


The Doylies said...

Know how u feel bud,it's gonna kill me when it's billy's turn to head off to school!
Great photo of all the kids too.Ethan looks so excited,he's so ready to go,it's great!

Anonymous said...

lol - wow, I'm looking forward to when Logan starts school =)