Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Omigosh this is like the 3rd time Ive had 2 redo our blog!! Ethan is so fast with his hands. All I did was turn away to help Maddisyn & when I turned bak, it was all a mess, so had 2 start again. AARGH!! He amazes me all the time, the rate at which hes learning things. ud think that since hes numba 5 we' d be used 2 it but the way he is picking up on things is so much faster than his siblings did at 14mths. I put it down 2 the fact that he has so many siblings 2 learn off that its easier for him 2 process things. He won' t be my baby for 2 much longer. He has hayfever pretty bad at the moment, but even tho hes a bit grumpy, he still has the stamina 2 cause a bit of mischief. He loves his dad & bro 2 bits & follows them around endlessly & has discovered that he can wrap his mum & sisters round his chubby little finger so he has the best of both worlds. AJ & I are revelling in his milestones, moreso since he is our last. Honest. No more babies for this family!! Only 2 more weeks untill the school holidays are upon us, then I have the near impossible task of keeping my children constantly amused for 7-8 weeks. Alot of movies & travelling in store for us.


the collective said...

The beauties and the beast! Fantastic to read your site and see what the kids are up to. How did your kids end up so good looking with such an ugly mug for a dad.
Good luck with the coming holidays, I thought I had it bad with just the two wee ones.


G&J and the west auckland goo goo crew....

Shanley said...

lol - Lucky their mom is so good looking!

the kanga barrons said...

true dat. i tell them the same thing every day :)