Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Spoilt baby......

& annoyed siblings.
I have an extremely bad habit of spoiling my youngest child. What Ethan wants, Ethan gets. Some of the time I realise Im doing it & do it anyway, other times I guess its just habit. Over the past few weeks AJ has told me that the other children were starting 2 comment about my bad habit, & not in a nice way. So what does mummy do? Keep doing it. Becoz mum gives him everything, baby expects every1 else 2 do the same thing. Dad wont, brother wont, & now sisters wont either, so what does baby do? Throw a fit, pull hair (loves that trick with big sis Maddy), smack & pinch. Now I admit I growl him if any of those things occur, even I cant let him get away with that.
But 2day he wanted Maddys learning laptop & she wouldnt give it 2 him. So he pretended he wanted love 4rm her & 1nce he was in her arms, he bit her on the shoulder & grabbed a fistful of hair & brought her 2 her knees (as told 2 me by my crying daughter). He got duly scolded 4 his behaviour & Maddy got comforted 4 her hurt. Unfortunately my other daughters had had enuff & sat me down & gave me a good talking 2.
Hell what could I say? 'U spoil him 2 much mum. Thats why he does that!' What could I say, no? 'Why do u do that?' So I sed coz hes my baby, but this time round that sounded so pathetic, even 2 me. 'What are u going 2 do about it coz we rnt happy with the way he acts!' Yea coz its all my fault. The rest of them 4get that right up untill a few months ago they spoilt him as well so dont they get 2 shoulder some of the blame? Apparently not since they are his siblings & allowed 2 & Im his mum & responsible 4 his upbringing & discipline. Sometimes Kyla is 2 on2 it 4 my own good!!
So I promised 2 tone it all down but that wasnt enuff. Since Ethan is 2 young 2 be punished 2 what they think is appropriate, I promised 2 write this on our blog & admit 2 every1 that Ethan is a spoilt brat due 2 his mum.
ps. I think that while I admit my part 2 his attitude, I dont take full responsibility, only about 90%.


Shanley said...

Sheesh! Off to day care quick!

the kanga barrons said...

so ive been told! no more excuses, hes off 2 daycare 2moro. his dad said if i wont he will 'sigh'.