Saturday, May 27, 2006

I love you.....babee

Ethan is such a laugh at the moment.

He hears Andrew and I say to each other and the kids 'I love you babe/baby (as we call one another and the kids) so now his reply is 'I love you (pause) BABEE' or 'I love you (pause) HEAPS!'. He sounds so cute when he says it. He also likes to say to me and his dad 'Your soooo mean!'

His vocab is now so full of so many words that its all starting to blend into sentences that are understandable. Wont be too long before he is able to participate in an actual conversation with us!! He has also ditched his highchair in favor of big kids chairs which is a bit of a pain when it comes to cleaning up the mess that he still likes to make with his food.

Ethan likes to be with his dad when Andrew does boxing with his boxing bags downstairs. He has gotten that interested in it that Andrew lowered one of the bags so that he is able to reach it and its so funny when I see father and son doing their left-left right jab. Unfortunately Ethan has started doing it to wooden poles/walls/fences WITHOUT gloves so I have raised the bag and told Andrew no more. Especially when he left-left right jabbed Maddisyn in the face the other day. Hes a little toughie though Ill give him that.


The Doylies said...

Ethan is growing up exciting now that he's talking!!Does it make you sad that he's your last baby?or will you have another little Lazarus-Walker??

the kanga barrons said...

Yea it is quite sad which is probably why all that he does is so much more precious as we have no plans to experience it all over again. And believe me, we are making sure that there are no others in the making and so far so good :)

Shanley said...

lol poor maddi. Maybey you should get him some little gloves!

the kanga barrons said...

hehe andrew already did but the little bugger ditches them when he isnt using them on the bag. thort it was cute at first but maybe its not a good idea when hes so young. Maddy gives as good as she gets though

the collective said...

Hi Rose, Where are you now? Can we have an address? Are you in Perth yet? Tell all.

Love, Jess