Thursday, January 25, 2007

Even more photos

Ok so I no that Ive been a bit of a freak with the constant photos, but hey, cant help it. I no that I hate photos of myself but I really like the one of Ethan and I that Kaytlynn took and thought I would share : D
Then theres the the pink and blue chickens that we saw at the farm animals enclosure at the mall. you cant really see the blue one as its behind the normal looking chook. The girls started having a heated discussion about them as Katy insisted that was their natural color but Kyla sed that they had been dyed.
Its been real hot here in Perth today. I remember when Shanley described her summer here. She told me that sometimes the days were so hot that it felt like you were breathing in heat every time you took a breath. Today was one of those days. It was that bad that when Ethan went outside to play with the dogs for about 10 minutes, he ended up getting heat stroke and throwing up. We had to sit him under one of the air con vents and pump him full of constant fluids to bring his body temp down. It didnt affect the other kids that much but it threw him quite a bit.


Shanley said...

yeah that heat stroke can get pretty bad. I remeber just lying on the bed dying, I couldn't move or anything. As soon as someone got home it was like.... water, water! Like the bling.

The Doylies said...

yep,both my kids have thrown up from the heat since arriving in perth...and it's going to be 40 degrees tommorow!