Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A bit of a catch up.

Well its been a pretty good last couple of weeks.
My sister Joanne and her son Stacie came to visit us all the way from New Zealand. They stayed with Karleen and Davy but we saw them regularly which was good.
Stacie was such a smiley and smoochy baby and such a pleasure to have around that it was hard for us to let his mum take him back home to NZ. Joanne seemed to have a pretty good visit too but with the rest of her family back home they eventually had to leave I guess.
As much as you love your children there is always things that will happen that will scare the shit out of you and that is known as one of the downfalls of having kids.
For example;
Sunday night I went to drop Joanne off at the airport, leaving the children in the more than capable hands of my husband and brother. From what I gather, at some point during the afternoon, while Andrew and Davy were watching their rugby, they realised that all the kids were in the lounge apart from Ethan. Andrew had been talking to him not long before. Anyway Andrew got up to go and search him out, but Ethan was nowhere to be found. They checked everywhere, even going as far as checking the neighborhood, but still no Ethan. After a while everyone was becoming frantic and the adults were on the verge of having heart attacks and calling the police when Andrew found him, curled up in the foetel position, right up against the couch in the darkest corner of the lounge on the floor, fast asleep, unaware of the panic he had caused for the past half hour.
Talk about a parents worst nightmare.


The Doylies said...

Hey rosie,shit that must have been scary!

Anonymous said...

lol - sorry but that is kind of funny. At least he was okay