Friday, January 20, 2006

And so the day has come

Well today after alot of procrastinating & excuses, Ethan went to daycare for the 1st time. I didnt get much sleep last nite due to anxiety about today which I know is crazy since Ive done these 1st days 4 times before, but all the other kids didnt start daycare untill after they were 2 years old and Ethan is the last of our lineage to have a 1st day so..... Im being very silly aye. One of the good thimgs is that my son already recognises the daycare as he has been there many times before & sorta knows the teachers & they know him. He was all gung ho walking in with his bag(that was throwing his balance off but he wouldnt give up) & then we dropped Maddisyn off in her room. He was a bit confused when we didnt do the usual & go out the exit. When he walked into his room he got very quiet (tho still had the prescence of mind to grab an armful of toys) and hesitantly joined in with morning tea. He sat there studying all the new big and little people, in between mouthfuls of yoghurt, every once in a while looking around for mum. After 40mins I thought it was time for me to leave. I didnt want to sneak out on him so gave him a kiss and hug and said goodbye with tears in my eyes. He followed me to the door and in anticipation of a tantrum, I shut the door and hid around the corner. My baby peered through the glass window with a look of confusion as he looked for me, then popped his bottbott (baby bottle) in his mouth and let the teacher lead him to a large pile of toys and sat down to play. No tears no tantrum nothing. Was a bit sad when I realised thaat maybe he wouldnt miss me as much as I miss him boohoo.


Shanley said...

he looks so cute and obviously ready to mingle with other kids which is great! Your regaining some of your freedom back, going to continue with computer studies? What are you going to do with yourself now? Don't worry bobo, baby still loves you.

The Doylies said...

Well done.It must be very hard.I have enrolled jas at daycare 4 this year(cringe)and am dreading the day.But it will be good 4 him as it will be 4 Ethan.My god,he is such a cutie.What's his personality like?And did he like his Truck that we gave him 4 xmas?