Saturday, January 14, 2006

Growing pains

1st off I would like 2 thank everyone 4 their birthday greetings 2 Kyla yesterday. She had a very good day & has been stuck 2 her mp3 player that we bought her ever since. Wow cant believe that shes 12 years old. It amazes AJ & I that we have been parents 4 that long. We have watched Kyla grow 4rm a baby, 2 a toddler, 2 a preschooler, 2 a schoolie & now a teenager. Are we really that old? (you dont need 2 answer that shanley!)
We are in the middle of a clash of personalities in our home at the moment. It seems that 4 some reason all the kids personalities have shifted a little more in2 maturity & they r all trying 2 assert themselves in2 or hang on2 positions in the family... all at once.
Kyla is demanding a lot more freedom, independence etc, Kaytlynn is expecting alot more from us, both emotionally & materialistically. Liam & Maddy are trying 2 hold on2 their little kiddies tags while trying 2 cope with what is expected of them at their appropriate ages. And Ethan has totally changed his routine in2 1 that suits him regardless of our objections 'sigh'.
And in the middle of it are their parents, trying 2 be supportive, give them what they need while keeping ground rules in play. Not an ez task I assure u, especially with 5 of them. I have 2 admit that Im glad that I had all my children at a young age. I think it would kill me 2 be running around after Ethan at the age of 35 while trying 2 cope with the rest of them. I applaud all u 30+ plus mums (& dads!) just starting their families. U have more stamina than I think I would had I started (& finished) any later.


Shanley said...

lol - your only feeling this way cause you had your kids young - now your old b4 your time! Don't worry you can throw this back in my face if I ever breed! Don't sweat the small stuff, it will all come together eventually!

The Doylies said...

Yes,it is harder perhaps?But then,i think it's hard at any matter when it happens tho,it is still a blessing.And i'm glad i got to do all the things i wanted to do,before having kids.