At the moment I am sitting on my back deck watching the sky light up & listening 2 the loud rumbling of the thunder. One of the things I love about Australia is the summer storms. Its an amazing show some nights tho the thunder does scare the kids sometimes, its so loud & bass-ey. At times it sounds like a big bomb going off right outside our window! We seem 2 b in a good part of Brisbane coz even tho these storms knock out the power or hailstones the size of golfballs fall in some places, we are usually relatively unscathed 'sigh'. I tried to take a couple of fotos of the forked lightening but unfortunately it was 2 cloudy 2nite so was only able 2 get shots of the bright sky, (taken without the flash) & they didnt come out 2 bad. The top photo is the storm just starting, & the 2nd shot is about 45mins later.
Very cool storm.I love thunder and lightening,and miss the rain,as we don't get much here.I really like the sound of a storm when I'm tucked up at night in bed,that heavy rain on the roof.Does lightening strike in Brisy?.
yea quite regularly. on weds nite the weather people recorded 9000 strikes just 4 that nite!! i love storms 2, they seem so serene 2 me.
Criky,thats a wee bit scary-but quite impressive all the same.My father-in-law,rob,narrowly avoided getting struck as a child in South Africa,when lightening struck their loo!!Truly 'shocking',aye!
he he he stuck on the loo. Thats funny!
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